《AOIT shader in UE4》
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/*=============================================================================    AOITCommon.usf=============================================================================*/
// Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation// All Rights Reserved//// Permission is granted to use, copy, distribute and prepare derivative works of this// software for any purpose and without fee, provided, that the above copyright notice// and this statement appear in all copies.  Intel makes no representations about the// suitability of this software for any purpose.  THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS."// INTEL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ALL LIABILITY,// INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES, FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,// INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, AND INCLUDING THE// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Intel does not// assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in this software nor any// responsibility to update it.#ifndef H_COMMON#define H_COMMON//// Defines//#define AVSM_FILTERING_ENABLED#define LT_BILINEAR_FILTERING#define EARLY_DEPTH_CULL_ALPHA (0x1UL)///// Resources///TextureCube  gIBLTexture;SamplerState gIBLSampler;Texture2DMS
gCompositingBuffer;//// Constants//struct UIConstants{ uint faceNormals; uint avsmSortingMethod; uint volumeShadowMethod; uint enableVolumeShadowLookup; uint pauseParticleAnimaton; float particleSize; uint particleOpacity; uint hairThickness; uint hairShadowThickness; uint hairOpacity; uint lightingOnly; uint stNumSamples;};cbuffer PerFrameConstants{ float4x4 mCameraWorldViewProj; float4x4 mCameraWorldView; float4x4 mCameraViewProj; float4x4 mCameraProj; float4 mCameraPos; float4x4 mLightWorldViewProj; float4x4 mAvsmLightWorldViewProj; float4x4 mCameraViewToWorld; float4x4 mCameraViewToLightProj; float4x4 mCameraViewToLightView; float4x4 mCameraViewToAvsmLightProj; float4x4 mCameraViewToAvsmLightView; float4 mLightDir; float4 mMSAACoverageNorm; float4 mGeometryAlpha; float4 mAlphaThreshold; UIConstants mUI;};// data that we can read or derived from the surface shader outputsstruct SurfaceData{ float3 positionView; // View space position float3 positionViewDX; // Screen space derivatives float3 positionViewDY; // of view space position float3 normal; // View space normal float4 albedo; float2 lightTexCoord; // Texture coordinates in light space, [0, 1] float2 lightTexCoordDX; // Screen space partial derivatives float2 lightTexCoordDY; // of light space texture coordinates. float lightSpaceZ; // Z coordinate (depth) of surface in light space};//// Full screen pass////struct FullScreenTriangleVSOut//{// float4 positionViewport : SV_Position;// float4 positionClip : positionClip;// float2 texCoord : texCoord;//};//// Helper Functions//float linstep(float min, float max, float v){ return saturate((v - min) / (max - min));}float2 ProjectIntoLightTexCoord(float3 positionView){ float4 positionLight = mul(float4(positionView, 1.0f), mCameraViewToLightProj); float2 texCoord = (positionLight.xy / positionLight.w) * float2(0.5f, -0.5f) + float2(0.5f, 0.5f); return texCoord;}float2 ProjectIntoAvsmLightTexCoord(float3 positionView){ float4 positionLight = mul(float4(positionView, 1.0f), mCameraViewToAvsmLightProj); float2 texCoord = (positionLight.xy / positionLight.w) * float2(0.5f, -0.5f) + float2(0.5f, 0.5f); return texCoord;}#endif // H_COMMON
/*=============================================================================    AOITCaptureShader.usf: capture translucent pixels onto AOIT fragment list=============================================================================*/#include "Common.usf"#include "BasePassPixelCommon.usf"#include "FragmentList.usf"#if NEEDS_BASEPASS_FOGGING    #include "HeightFogCommon.usf"#if BASEPASS_ATMOSPHERIC_FOG    #include "AtmosphereCommon.usf"#endif#endif#define DEBUG_AOIT_CAPTURE 0struct FAOITCaptureVSToPS{    FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToPS FactoryInterpolants;    FBasePassInterpolantsVSToPS BasePassInterpolants;    float4 Position : SV_POSITION;};#if USING_TESSELLATION        struct FAOITCaptureVSToDS    {        FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToDS FactoryInterpolants;        FBasePassInterpolantsVSToDS BasePassInterpolants;        float4 Position : VS_To_DS_Position;        OPTIONAL_VertexID_VS_To_DS    };        #define FAOITCaptureVSOutput FAOITCaptureVSToPS    #define VertexFactoryGetInterpolants VertexFactoryGetInterpolantsVSToDS    #define FPassSpecificVSToDS FAOITCaptureVSToPS    #define FPassSpecificVSToPS FAOITCaptureVSToDS#else    #define FAOITCaptureVSOutput FAOITCaptureVSToPS    #define VertexFactoryGetInterpolants VertexFactoryGetInterpolantsVSToPS#endif#if USING_TESSELLATIONFAOITCaptureVSToDS PassInterpolate(FAOITCaptureVSToDS a, float aInterp, FAOITCaptureVSToDS b, float bInterp){    FAOITCaptureVSToDS O;        O.FactoryInterpolants = VertexFactoryInterpolate(a.FactoryInterpolants, aInterp, b.FactoryInterpolants, bInterp);    #if NEEDS_BASEPASS_FOGGING        TESSELLATION_INTERPOLATE_MEMBER(BasePassInterpolants.VertexFog);    #endif    #if USE_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS        TESSELLATION_INTERPOLATE_MEMBER(BasePassInterpolants.WorldPositionExcludingWPO);    #endif    return O;}FAOITCaptureVSToPS PassFinalizeTessellationOutput(FAOITCaptureVSToDS Interpolants, float4 WorldPosition, FMaterialTessellationParameters MaterialParameters){    FAOITCaptureVSToPS O;        O.FactoryInterpolants = VertexFactoryAssignInterpolants(Interpolants.FactoryInterpolants);    // Copy everything in the shared base class over to the pixel shader input    (FSharedBasePassInterpolants)O.BasePassInterpolants = (FSharedBasePassInterpolants)Interpolants.BasePassInterpolants;    // Transform position to clip-space    ISOLATE    {        O.Position = mul(WorldPosition, View.TranslatedWorldToClip);    }        // Calc position-dependent interps    O.BasePassInterpolants.PixelPosition = WorldPosition;    #if USE_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS        O.BasePassInterpolants.PixelPositionExcludingWPO = float4(Interpolants.BasePassInterpolants.WorldPositionExcludingWPO, 1);    #endif    return O;}// This gets us the MainHull and MainDomain shader definitions#include "Tessellation.usf"#endifvoid VSMain(    FVertexFactoryInput Input,    OPTIONAL_VertexID    out FAOITCaptureVSOutput Output    ){    FVertexFactoryIntermediates VFIntermediates = GetVertexFactoryIntermediates(Input);    float4 WorldPositionExcludingWPO = VertexFactoryGetWorldPosition(Input, VFIntermediates);    float4 WorldPosition = WorldPositionExcludingWPO;    float3x3 TangentToLocal = VertexFactoryGetTangentToLocal(Input, VFIntermediates);        FMaterialVertexParameters VertexParameters = GetMaterialVertexParameters(Input, VFIntermediates, WorldPosition.xyz, TangentToLocal);    // Isolate instructions used for world position offset    // As these cause the optimizer to generate different position calculating instructions in each pass, resulting in self-z-fighting.    // This is only necessary for shaders used in passes that have depth testing enabled.    ISOLATE    {        WorldPosition.xyz += GetMaterialWorldPositionOffset(VertexParameters);    }#if USING_TESSELLATION    // We let the Domain Shader convert to post projection when tessellating    Output.Position = WorldPosition;        #if USE_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS        Output.BasePassInterpolants.WorldPositionExcludingWPO = WorldPositionExcludingWPO;    #endif#else    ISOLATE    {        float4 RasterizedWorldPosition = VertexFactoryGetRasterizedWorldPosition(Input, VFIntermediates, WorldPosition);        Output.Position = mul(RasterizedWorldPosition, View.TranslatedWorldToClip);    }    Output.BasePassInterpolants.PixelPosition = WorldPosition;    #if USE_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS        Output.BasePassInterpolants.PixelPositionExcludingWPO = WorldPositionExcludingWPO;    #endif#endif    Output.FactoryInterpolants = VertexFactoryGetInterpolants(Input, VFIntermediates, VertexParameters);// Calculate the fog needed for translucency#if NEEDS_BASEPASS_FOGGING#if BASEPASS_ATMOSPHERIC_FOG    Output.BasePassInterpolants.VertexFog = CalculateVertexAtmosphericFog(WorldPosition.xyz, View.TranslatedViewOrigin.xyz);#else    Output.BasePassInterpolants.VertexFog = CalculateVertexHeightFog(WorldPosition.xyz, View.TranslatedViewOrigin);#endif#endif    OutputVertexID( Output );}EARLYDEPTHSTENCILvoid PSMain(    FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToPS Interpolants,    FBasePassInterpolantsVSToPS BasePassInterpolants,    float4 InSVPosition : SV_POSITION,    OPTIONAL_IsFrontFace#if DEBUG_AOIT_CAPTURE    ,out float4 OutColor        : SV_Target0#endif    ){    FMaterialPixelParameters MaterialParameters = GetMaterialPixelParameters(Interpolants, BasePassInterpolants.PixelPosition);    CalcMaterialParameters(MaterialParameters,InSVPosition, bIsFrontFace,BasePassInterpolants.PixelPosition#if USE_WORLD_POSITION_EXCLUDING_SHADER_OFFSETS        , BasePassInterpolants.PixelPositionExcludingWPO#endif    );#if EDITOR_PRIMITIVE_MATERIAL && (FEATURE_LEVEL >= FEATURE_LEVEL_SM4 || ES2_EMULATION)    const bool bEditorWeightedZBuffering = true;#else    const bool bEditorWeightedZBuffering = false;#endif    //Clip if the blend mode requires it.    if(!bEditorWeightedZBuffering)    {        GetMaterialCoverageAndClipping(MaterialParameters);    }    // Store the results in local variables and reuse instead of calling the functions multiple times.    half3 BaseColor = GetMaterialBaseColor( MaterialParameters );    half  Metallic = GetMaterialMetallic( MaterialParameters );    half  Specular = GetMaterialSpecular( MaterialParameters );    float MaterialAO = GetMaterialAmbientOcclusion(MaterialParameters);    float Roughness = GetMaterialRoughness(MaterialParameters);    // 0..1, SubsurfaceProfileId = int(x * 255)    float SubsurfaceProfile = 0;    // If we don't use this shading model the color should be black (don't generate shader code for unused data, don't do indirectlighting cache lighting with this color).    float3 SubsurfaceColor = 0;#if MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_SUBSURFACE || MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_PREINTEGRATED_SKIN || MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_SUBSURFACE_PROFILE    {        float4 SubsurfaceData = GetMaterialSubsurfaceData(MaterialParameters);#if MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_SUBSURFACE || MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_PREINTEGRATED_SKIN        SubsurfaceColor = SubsurfaceData.rgb;#endif        SubsurfaceProfile = SubsurfaceData.a;    }#endif#if MATERIAL_FULLY_ROUGH    Roughness = 1;#endif    // So that the following code can still use DiffuseColor and SpecularColor.#if    MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_HAIR    half3 DiffuseColor = BaseColor;    half3 SpecularColor = lerp( 0.08 * Specular.xxx, BaseColor, Metallic.xxx );#else    half3 DiffuseColor = BaseColor - BaseColor * Metallic;    half3 SpecularColor = lerp( 0.08 * Specular.xxx, BaseColor, Metallic.xxx );#endif// todo: COMPILE_SHADERS_FOR_DEVELOPMENT is unfinished feature, using XBOXONE_PROFILE as workaround#if COMPILE_SHADERS_FOR_DEVELOPMENT == 1 && !XBOXONE_PROFILE && !ES31_AEP_PROFILE    {        // this feature is only needed for development/editor - we can compile it out for a shipping build (see r.CompileShadersForDevelopment cvar help)        DiffuseColor = DiffuseColor * View.DiffuseOverrideParameter.w + View.DiffuseOverrideParameter.xyz;        SpecularColor = SpecularColor * View.SpecularOverrideParameter.w + View.SpecularOverrideParameter.xyz;    }#endif    half3 Color = 0;    float IndirectIrradiance = 0;    #if !MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_UNLIT        float3 DiffuseIndirectLighting;        float3 SubsurfaceIndirectLighting;        GetPrecomputedIndirectLightingAndSkyLight(MaterialParameters, Interpolants, BasePassInterpolants, DiffuseIndirectLighting, SubsurfaceIndirectLighting, IndirectIrradiance);        #if MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_SUBSURFACE || MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_PREINTEGRATED_SKIN            // Add subsurface energy to diffuse            //@todo - better subsurface handling for these shading models with skylight and precomputed GI            DiffuseColor += SubsurfaceColor;        #endif        Color += (DiffuseIndirectLighting * DiffuseColor + SubsurfaceIndirectLighting * SubsurfaceColor) * MaterialAO;                #if SIMPLE_DYNAMIC_LIGHTING            // always unshadowed so BiasedNDotL is not needed            half Lambert = saturate(dot(MaterialParameters.WorldNormal, View.DirectionalLightDirection));            Color += DiffuseColor * Lambert * View.DirectionalLightColor.rgb;            Color += GetMaterialHemisphereLightTransferFull(                DiffuseColor,                MaterialParameters,                View.UpperSkyColor.rgb,                View.LowerSkyColor.rgb                );        #endif    #endif    half Opacity = GetMaterialOpacity(MaterialParameters);    #if NEEDS_BASEPASS_FOGGING        float4 VertexFog = BasePassInterpolants.VertexFog;    #else        float4 VertexFog = float4(0,0,0,1);    #endif            // Volume lighting for lit translucency    #if (MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_DEFAULT_LIT || MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_SUBSURFACE) && ( MATERIALBLENDING_TRANSLUCENT || MATERIALBLENDING_ADDITIVE )        Color += GetTranslucencyLighting(MaterialParameters, DiffuseColor, Roughness, SpecularColor, IndirectIrradiance, MaterialAO);    #endif    #if MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_HAIR && MATERIALBLENDING_TRANSLUCENT        Color += GetTranslucentHairLighting(MaterialParameters, DiffuseColor, Roughness, SpecularColor, IndirectIrradiance, MaterialAO);    #endif    #if !MATERIAL_SHADINGMODEL_UNLIT        Color = lerp(Color, DiffuseColor + SpecularColor, View.UnlitViewmodeMask);    #endif    half3 Emissive = GetMaterialEmissive(MaterialParameters);// todo: COMPILE_SHADERS_FOR_DEVELOPMENT is unfinished feature, using XBOXONE_PROFILE as workaround#if COMPILE_SHADERS_FOR_DEVELOPMENT == 1 && !XBOXONE_PROFILE && !ES31_AEP_PROFILE    // this feature is only needed for development/editor - we can compile it out for a shipping build (see r.CompileShadersForDevelopment cvar help)    #if SM5_PROFILE || SM4_PROFILE        BRANCH        if (View.OutOfBoundsMask > 0)        {            if (any(abs(MaterialParameters.WorldPosition - Primitive.ObjectWorldPositionAndRadius.xyz) > Primitive.ObjectBounds + 1))            {                float Gradient = frac(dot(MaterialParameters.WorldPosition, float3(.577f, .577f, .577f)) / 500.0f);                Emissive = lerp(float3(1,1,0), float3(0,1,1), Gradient.xxx > .5f);                Opacity = 1;            }        }    #endif#endif    Color += Emissive;    #if MATERIALBLENDING_TRANSLUCENT        Color = Color * VertexFog.a + VertexFog.rgb;        Color *= Opacity;    #elif MATERIALBLENDING_ADDITIVE        Color = Color * VertexFog.aaa;        Color *= Opacity;        Opacity = 0.0;    #elif MATERIALBLENDING_MODULATE        Color = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), Color, VertexFog.aaa * VertexFog.aaa);    #endif        float2 screenPositionF = MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.xy / MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w * View.ScreenPositionScaleBias.xy + View.ScreenPositionScaleBias.wz;    int2 screenPosition = int2( screenPositionF * View.RenderTargetSize );    uint newNodeAddress;    uint mask;    if (FL_AllocNode(newNodeAddress))    {        // Fill node        FragmentListNode node;                    node.color    = FL_PackColor3(Color, mask);        #if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    #if MATERIALBLENDING_MODULATE        mask |= 0x10UL;    #endif        node.depth    = FL_PackDepthAndMask5(MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w - MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.z, mask);#else        node.depth    = FL_PackDepthAndMask4(MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w - MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.z, mask);#endif        // Insert node!        FL_InsertNode(screenPosition, newNodeAddress, node, 1.0 - Opacity);    }        #if DEBUG_AOIT_CAPTURE                OutColor = half4(Color, 1);    #endif}
/*=============================================================================    AOITResolveShader.usf: resolve AOIT fragment list to final buffer=============================================================================*/#include "Common.usf"#include "AOIT.usf"#include "FragmentList.usf"void Main(    FScreenVertexOutput Input,    out float4 OutColor : SV_Target0    ){    uint i;    uint nodeOffset;    int2 screenAddress = int2(Input.Position.xy);      // Get offset to the first node    uint firstNodeOffset = FL_GetFirstNodeOffset(screenAddress);        AOITData data;    // Initialize AVSM data        [unroll]for (i = 0; i < AOIT_RT_COUNT; ++i) {        data.depth[i] = AIOT_EMPTY_NODE_DEPTH.xxxx;#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY        data.trans[i][0] = AOIT_FIRT_NODE_TRANS.xxx;        data.trans[i][1] = AOIT_FIRT_NODE_TRANS.xxx;        data.trans[i][2] = AOIT_FIRT_NODE_TRANS.xxx;        data.trans[i][3] = AOIT_FIRT_NODE_TRANS.xxx;#else        data.trans[i] = AOIT_FIRT_NODE_TRANS.xxxx;#endif    }        // Fetch all nodes and add them to our visibiity function    nodeOffset = firstNodeOffset;    [loop] while (nodeOffset != FL_NODE_LIST_NULL)     {        // Get node..        FragmentListNode node = FL_GetNode(nodeOffset);        float depth;        uint mask;#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY        FL_UnpackDepthAndMask5(node.depth, depth, mask);#else        FL_UnpackDepthAndMask4(node.depth, depth, mask);#endif            uint next;        float transA;        next = FL_UnpackIndexAndOpcity(node.next, transA);        #if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY        float3 trans = transA.xxx;        float3 nodeColor;        nodeColor = FL_UnpackColor3(node.color, (uint)(mask & 0xFUL));        trans = lerp(trans, nodeColor, float(mask>>4));#else        float trans = transA;#endif                AOITInsertFragment(depth, trans, data);              // Move to next node        nodeOffset = next;                        }    float3 color = float3(0, 0, 0);    // Fetch all nodes again and composite them    nodeOffset = firstNodeOffset;    [loop]  while (nodeOffset != FL_NODE_LIST_NULL) {        // Get node..        FragmentListNode node = FL_GetNode(nodeOffset);        float depth;        uint mask;#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY        FL_UnpackDepthAndMask5(node.depth, depth, mask);#else        FL_UnpackDepthAndMask4(node.depth, depth, mask);#endif                     // Unpack color        float3 nodeColor;        nodeColor = FL_UnpackColor3(node.color, (uint)(mask & 0xFUL));                uint next;        float transA;        next = FL_UnpackIndexAndOpcity(node.next, transA);                AOITFragment frag = AOITFindFragment(data, depth);#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY        float3 vis = frag.index == 0 ? float3(1.0,1.0,1.0) : frag.transA;        color += nodeColor * (1.0 - float(mask>>4)) * vis;#else        float vis = frag.index == 0 ? 1.0f : frag.transA;        color += nodeColor * vis.xxx;#endif        // Move to next node        nodeOffset = next;                        }    #if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    OutColor = float4(color, data.trans[AOIT_RT_COUNT - 1][3][0]);#else    OutColor = float4(color, data.trans[AOIT_RT_COUNT - 1][3]);#endif    OutColor = RETURN_COLOR(OutColor);}
/*=============================================================================    AOIT.usf=============================================================================*/

  // Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation

// All Rights Reserved//// Permission is granted to use, copy, distribute and prepare derivative works of this// software for any purpose and without fee, provided, that the above copyright notice// and this statement appear in all copies.  Intel makes no representations about the// suitability of this software for any purpose.  THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS."// INTEL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ALL LIABILITY,// INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES, FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,// INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, AND INCLUDING THE// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Intel does not// assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in this software nor any// responsibility to update it.#ifndef H_AOIT#define H_AOIT#include "AOITCommon.usf"//// Defines//#ifndef AOIT_NODE_COUNT #define AOIT_NODE_COUNT            (16)#endif#define AOIT_FIRT_NODE_TRANS    (1)#define AOIT_RT_COUNT            (AOIT_NODE_COUNT / 4)#define AIOT_EMPTY_NODE_DEPTH    (1E30)// Forces compression to only work on the second half of the nodes (cheaper and better IQ in most cases)#define AOIT_DONT_COMPRESS_FIRST_HALF //// Structs//struct AOITData {    float4 depth[AOIT_RT_COUNT];#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    float3 trans[AOIT_RT_COUNT][4];#else    float4 trans[AOIT_RT_COUNT];#endif};struct AOITFragment{    int   index;    float depthA;#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    float3 transA;#else    float transA;#endif};//// Two-level search for AT visibility functions// AOITFragment AOITFindFragment(in AOITData data, in float fragmentDepth){    int    index;#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    float4 depth;    float3 trans[4];#else    float4 depth, trans;#endif    float  leftDepth;#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    float3  leftTrans;#else    float  leftTrans;#endif        AOITFragment Output;      #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 7        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[6][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[7];        trans        = data.trans[7];        leftDepth    = data.depth[6][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[6][3];        Output.index = 28;            }    else#endif  #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 6        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[5][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[6];        trans        = data.trans[6];        leftDepth    = data.depth[5][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[5][3];        Output.index = 24;            }    else#endif  #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 5        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[4][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[5];        trans        = data.trans[5];        leftDepth    = data.depth[4][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[4][3];        Output.index = 20;            }    else#endif  #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 4        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[3][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[4];        trans        = data.trans[4];        leftDepth    = data.depth[3][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[3][3];            Output.index = 16;            }    else#endif    #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 3        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[2][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[3];        trans        = data.trans[3];        leftDepth    = data.depth[2][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[2][3];            Output.index = 12;            }    else#endif    #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 2        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[1][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[2];        trans        = data.trans[2];        leftDepth    = data.depth[1][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[1][3];                  Output.index = 8;            }    else#endif    #if AOIT_RT_COUNT > 1        [flatten]if (fragmentDepth > data.depth[0][3])    {        depth        = data.depth[1];        trans        = data.trans[1];        leftDepth    = data.depth[0][3];        leftTrans    = data.trans[0][3];               Output.index = 4;            }    else#endif    {            depth        = data.depth[0];        trans        = data.trans[0];        leftDepth    = data.depth[0][0];        leftTrans    = data.trans[0][0];              Output.index = 0;            }           [flatten]if (fragmentDepth <= depth[0]) {        Output.depthA = leftDepth;        Output.transA = leftTrans;    } else if (fragmentDepth <= depth[1]) {        Output.index += 1;        Output.depthA = depth[0];         Output.transA = trans[0];                } else if (fragmentDepth <= depth[2]) {        Output.index += 2;        Output.depthA = depth[1];        Output.transA = trans[1];                } else if (fragmentDepth <= depth[3]) {        Output.index += 3;            Output.depthA = depth[2];        Output.transA = trans[2];                } else {        Output.index += 4;               Output.depthA = depth[3];        Output.transA = trans[3];             }        return Output;}    ////// Insert a new fragment in the visibility function////void AOITInsertFragment(in float fragmentDepth,#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY                        in float3 fragmentTrans,#else                        in float fragmentTrans,#endif                        inout AOITData aoitData){        int i, j;      // Unpack AOIT data        float depth[AOIT_NODE_COUNT + 1];    #if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    float3 trans[AOIT_NODE_COUNT + 1];#else    float trans[AOIT_NODE_COUNT + 1];#endif      [unroll] for (i = 0; i < AOIT_RT_COUNT; ++i) {        [unroll] for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {            depth[4 * i + j] = aoitData.depth[i][j];            trans[4 * i + j] = aoitData.trans[i][j];                            }    }        // Find insertion index     AOITFragment tempFragment = AOITFindFragment(aoitData, fragmentDepth);    const int   index = tempFragment.index;    // If we are inserting in the first node then use 1.0 as previous transmittance value    // (we don't store it, but it's implicitly set to 1. This allows us to store one more node)#if SUPPORT_ALL_TRANSLUCENCY    const float3 prevTrans = index != 0 ? tempFragment.transA : float3(1.0,1.0,1.0);#else    const float prevTrans = index != 0 ? tempFragment.transA : 1.0f;#endif    // Make space for the new fragment. Also composite new fragment with the current curve     // (except for the node that represents the new fragment)    [unroll]for (i = AOIT_NODE_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; --i) {        [flatten]if (index <= i) {            depth[i + 1] = depth[i];            trans[i + 1] = trans[i] * fragmentTrans;        }    }        // Insert new fragment    [unroll]for (i = 0; i <= AOIT_NODE_COUNT; ++i) {        [flatten]if (index == i) {            depth[i] = fragmentDepth;            trans[i] = fragmentTrans * prevTrans;        }    }         // pack representation if we have too many nodes    [flatten]if (depth[AOIT_NODE_COUNT] != AIOT_EMPTY_NODE_DEPTH) {                                    // That's total number of nodes that can be possibly removed        const int removalCandidateCount = (AOIT_NODE_COUNT + 1) - 1;#ifdef AOIT_DONT_COMPRESS_FIRST_HALF        // Although to bias our compression scheme in order to favor..        // .. the closest nodes to the eye we skip the first 50%        const int startRemovalIdx = removalCandidateCount / 2;#else        const int startRemovalIdx = 1;#endif#if AOIT_NODE_COUNT == 8        float nodeUnderError[removalCandidateCount] = {
0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0};#elif AOIT_NODE_COUNT == 16 float nodeUnderError[removalCandidateCount] = {
0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0};#elif AOIT_NODE_COUNT == 24 float nodeUnderError[removalCandidateCount] = {
0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0};#elif AOIT_NODE_COUNT == 32 float nodeUnderError[removalCandidateCount] = {
0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0};#else float nodeUnderError[removalCandidateCount];#endif [unroll]for (i = startRemovalIdx; i < removalCandidateCount; ++i) { nodeUnderError[i] = (depth[i] - depth[i - 1]) * dot((trans[i - 1] - trans[i]), (trans[i - 1] - trans[i])); } // Find the node the generates the smallest removal error int smallestErrorIdx; float smallestError; smallestErrorIdx = startRemovalIdx; smallestError = nodeUnderError[smallestErrorIdx]; i = startRemovalIdx + 1; [unroll]for ( ; i < removalCandidateCount; ++i) { [flatten]if (nodeUnderError[i] < smallestError) { smallestError = nodeUnderError[i]; smallestErrorIdx = i; } } // Remove that node.. [unroll]for (i = startRemovalIdx; i < AOIT_NODE_COUNT; ++i) { [flatten]if (smallestErrorIdx <= i) { depth[i] = depth[i + 1]; } } [unroll]for (i = startRemovalIdx - 1; i < AOIT_NODE_COUNT; ++i) { [flatten]if (smallestErrorIdx - 1 <= i) { trans[i] = trans[i + 1]; } } } // Pack AOIT data [unroll] for (i = 0; i < AOIT_RT_COUNT; ++i) { [unroll] for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { aoitData.depth[i][j] = depth[4 * i + j]; aoitData.trans[i][j] = trans[4 * i + j]; } } }#endif // H_AOIT


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